Monday, February 26, 2024

There's nothing like a bit of last minute sponsorship...! Welcome back nquiringminds

You may remember Dr Nick Allott from last year's party. Nick's been coming to Swedish Beers forever and he's back as a sponsor for the second time. I'm chuffed to bits about that. Nick is one of the smartest people I know in the industry and he's built a great team around him at nquiringminds. I reckon you will have an interesting conversation when you meet him and the team. 

nquiringMinds: a Trusted AI company, building advanced analytics solutions on top of solid cyber security principles. Their TDXVolt platform helps customers develop and deploy AI Analytics systems on top of a solid zero-trust backbone. Everything is underpinned by fully distributed digital identities. This means the customer has full control of their data and has ultimate flexibility on where and how their systems are hosted. Multi-award-winning, with customers across telecoms, defence and manufacturing sectors, this team knows its stuff.

Wanna know more? Check out the website: and join us on Wednesday night. You can RSVP here 

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