We do have some lovely sponsors lined up for you but there's room for one or two more if you fancy getting involved. Get in touch with Helen to discuss. There are a couple of start-up special deals available.
Like our previous events, this is a relaxed evening, no formalities, no presentations, no business cards thrust in your face as soon as you arrive. Just come with an open mind, be prepared to see friends old and new, talk nonsense, enjoy a drink or three and have yourself a good time. Oh, and leave the ties, the corporate personas and the sales spiel at the door please. The Swedish Beers crew will be on hand to welcome you as well as the friendliest bar staff in town.
No need to RSVP unless you want to. There's no guest list, no tickets and there's no guaranteed entry. Just come and go as you please. If you do register, it does mean that you can add the event to your calendar and search for it in your email and easily share with friends. Fill in the form below or go direct to the eventbrite page.
It is likely to get a bit busy at times. But don't worry, people will be coming in and out all evening. That’s kind of the point as we know there’s always a lot going on and you might want to check out more than one party. If it's very busy, there's no need to queue to get in. Just check out one of the other bars nearby and come back a little later when it's a bit less frantic.
There is a small cloakroom area at the bar, but it's not secure so leave the laptops in your hotel room or apartment where they will be safe and won't get in anyone's way.
The venue is our favourite haunt with the friendliest bar staff in town, Dos Trece -http://dostrece.net/ We'll be open from 7pm through until the early hours.
So let me introduce our sponsors....
Lead sponsor: Open Mobile Media

They’re a seriously friendly bunch and the whole team are heading to Barcelona to scope out interesting people for their upcoming events in London and San Francisco as well as getting the lowdown on what’s happening in the industry from the people who matter – i.e. You! You’ll be able to mix and mingle with them at Swedish Beers. It’s well worth looking them up there as they’re the ones with the most beer tokens!
Sponsors and Supporters

They can provide you with the when, what, and which screens, ads, tools consumers used. With our behavioral triggered research tools, we can also help you answer the “why”. We enable you to perform market research on mobile, and other platforms. Our solutions don’t ask people what they did, our solutions let you understand exactly what they did and let you focus on using the “why”.
About D4SC Design for Social Change, or D4SC for short, is a Studio for hyper-local community operating systems for smart cities and citizens co-creating with brands, local business and councils to boost local economies. D4SC’s alpha product Changify is a mobile crowd powered platform for better neighbourhoods has been featured in Wired, Tedx City 2.0 and is currently in pilot phase in London. D4SC was also recently awarded the prestigious Post Office Community Enterprise fund to re-imagine and prototype the future of the local post-office. www.changify.org | http://twitter.com/D4SC
About SSN+ From the PCs to mobile networks, true technical revolutions don’t happen when the right technologies emerge, but rather when the right people meet. RCUK funded Digital Economy Sustainable Society Network+ is dedicated to establishing connections between the right people to help drive the use of ICT for a Sustainable Society. The SSN+ website can be found here: Sustainable Society Network+
Meet the lovely communications people, FieldHouse Associates. Focusing on mobile, technology, digital and VC companies, this is PR with a business edge. Let's take media relations, copy writing, speaking opportunities and the rest of public relations for granted. Let's focus on communications strategy – where a company is, where it needs to be and what can be done to get it there. What's seriously going to hit the bottom line? That's what's interesting and that's what will make an impact. That's why PR is important. It's all about top-level strategic advice. No hype, no crazy creative, no way out promises. FieldHouse sets out to achieve the best results by really understanding sectors and companies, by really getting under their skin. Neil and Nicole will be at Swedish Beers to welcome you and will share their beer tokens with you.

Start-Up Supporters

OnePulse lets you earn money and rewards by spending 30 seconds giving your opinion on something you'r interested in. Clients gain insight, opinions and trends from the pulsers opinions. An easy, convenient and effective way to get market research.

See you in Barcelona!
This is a Heroes of the Mobile Fringe Festival Event http://mobileheroes.net/
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