Thursday, June 13, 2013

BYOD time tonight at Swedish Beers, LDN

Yes, Swedish Beers is happening tonight in London Town and it looks like it will be a good one. The theme of the night is BYOD. It's an acronym that has been running through the mobile industry recently, especially amongst enterprises. What's that you say? BYOD - Buy your own drinks. Not to be confused with Bring your own device... Yes, it's a buy your own drinks night tonight, but don't let that put you off. The Nordic Bar are looking forward to welcoming you and there'll be a good crowd there with friendly faces and mobile banter. I hear tell that it's also 2 for 1 on cocktails. I know what I'll be having later :)

Mobile Makreting MagazineNever fear though. There will be a few beer tokens lurking on the night. If you speak nicely to the Mobile Marketing Magazine guys, they will have a few tokens for the early birds. And they'll also have the latest issue of the magazine to give away which includes columns by Mobile Hero, Russell Buckley and our very own Helen Keegan. 

You may also find that there are a few beer tokens courtesy of our friends at the Payforit Summit. It's a new Heroes of Mobile partner event (you can find out about it here) and they've given Helen a bit of cash to buy a few rounds. So you may be able to blag a free drink yet... Looking forward to seeing you tonight.


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