Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The pictures are out!

I know it’s been a month since we all put the mobile world to rights at the Swedish Beers party in London, but I’ve only just had time to upload the photos for you.

A few thank yous are in order – Firstly to the fabulous sponsors – Open Mobile Media, Inspiring Interns (thank you for bringing the ping pong table and organising Beer Pong. What a hoot!), Futurice and US Tax & Financial Services. Thank you to the venue – The Victoria Park Plaza Hotel – you did a great job for us. And to the volunteers who helped me run the event, especially Shafiq for the photos. Speaking of which…

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

They’re also up on Facebook too if that’s your thing.

I don’t yet have a date for the next Swedish Beers. Get in touch if you’d like to sponsor one.

Meanwhile, you might be interested in one of Cooladata’s upcoming events in London, Amsterdam and New York talking about behavioural analytics. There’s a webinar too for those of you who can’t meet in person. OK, so it’s not a beer and chat type event, but for those of you interested in monetising mobile (that’s most of you, isn’t it?), it may well be of interest. More info here.